Columbia, California (O22)
Welcome to the Canards West website
Greetings fellow Canardians
Presentations and Dinner Overview
Saturday's Presentations:
- 1300 Hours > "Truculent Defiant"
- 1430 Hours > "Nitpicking the nose of a Long- Eze"
- 1600 Hours > 'Virtual Dogfighting in a Canard'
Preparing and flying a Defiant from Norway to the US. Izzy purchased the plane in Norway and spent a lot of time and effort preparing it for the flight across the North Atlantic. This is Izzy Briggs story presented by Marc Zeitlin, Izzy will be in-flight as he speaks.
Bob Morgan's design for safety and shimmy resistance of a Long-EZ. A unique electro hydraulic retractable nose gear and remote fuel selector valve implementations for a IO-320 powered Long- Eze.
RED 6, program has developed a better, safer way to train USAF 'dog fighters'. Chris Randall & Jason Skiby present the use of customized Berkuts as a test bed for augmented reality systems. See this link for a good description: RED 6
Saturday's Dinner:
- 1800 Hours > Dinner - CATERED
- The cost is $40 which covers the meal plus all af the miscellaneous expenses for the event.
- Dinner Reservation DEADLINE: Monday, May 22, 2023.
Send check for $40, made out to:
Tim Fisher
1300 Marilyn
Modesto, CA 95350
Choose in advance ,three choices, more flavors . no movie this year as it just kept folks awake [most of them anyway]. Dinner includes beer, wine sodas, bottled water. BEEF or CHICKEN or VEGGIE.
Columbia Airport and Canards West
As many of you already know, Columbia Airport offers a wonderful campground tucked away in the shade of an old oak grove. You can pitch your tent at one of 20 campsites that include picnic tables and fire rings, or you can camp right under the wing of your airplane. The campground also features a large group fire ring, bathrooms with flush toilets and hot showers, horse shoe pits and a sand volleyball court. At just $10/night the campground at Columbia Airport is one of the best deals around for camping.
Tim Fisher
Canards West